I choose to blog when I have an appreciation moment. What I like about Still Life is the interplay of art and world. Some observations seemed to try to hard, and this is her first book, so it's not going to be her polished style years later, but there is sometimes better work in the earlier years, when people took more pains to make it. I'm fairly ambivalent about mystery, and crime fiction, procedurals. I know there is a long glorious tradition. My mother, stepmother and stepfather like the genre. I'm a fan of deduction but I don't think they give enough clues, and they have decoy clues, so that it's all ishkabibble. And in modern times, there's an unfolding of the story, which can be glorious. I don't like the focus on figuring out a killer's psychology, I've never been interested in forensic psychology, I'm more interested in liberation psychology. I suppose it's good to know the dark side, not deny the dark side, get in touch with the sh...