The true legacy of the Soviet Union is authoritarianism not socialism.
Talibangelicals, Covidiots and Spreadnecks like authoritarianism, support the "legitimate discourse" that killed 5 people, and would rather get their way than live in a democracy. The like liberalism where everyone has the right to... but only those they like. Like the Supreme Court Justice who refused to follow rules and wear a mask, things are all cattywampus.
Tucker Carlson enjoys influencing people but successfully argued in court that he is not real news and merely engages in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' His argument states no reasonable person would take him seriously.
Russia has been fighting a war on information for quite a while to go on top of the literal murder they are doing in Ukraine right now. The Americans who support the freedom to murder by Russians in Ukraine fit right in with the murder cult.
With globalization scrapped in favor of a alliances new order, we continue to not raise above our limited human views.
Meanwhile insurrectionist are still not held accountable for fear that it might seem partisand to the "non-literal" lying community.
Book banning strikes me as a perfect backfire strategy to get kids to read.
The whole project of lying and manipulating is that the right has given up debating because they lose so easily and playing head games is the only way for them to "share their opinion". The goal is to get you to avert you attention so they can continue to get away with everything.
The bipartisanship is about dividing Americans, it's unpatriotic and it's about superficial power and appearances. Look how unified the Ukrainians are. The GOP has chosen party over county and like all their other utterances, denial is confirmation. They're a red herring party, the party of obstruction and distraction. Like MTV don't play music any more, the party of Lincoln doesn't support or protect African Americans or anything else they stupidly claim, like Biden controls the gas prices or whether there is war in other countries. Their syllogisms are all wrong.
I wish we had 2 intelligent parties, the Republicans are not pushing the Democrats enough, giving them a real push to be better. They set the bar so low.
There's going to be a reckoning soon.
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