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The case for Harris

Motley Kamuka Blog endorses Kamala Harris.

In general, Trump just wants to lower taxes on the rich, and do nothing, sell whatever influence he can to line his pockets. Apparently the emoluments clause in the constitution has no teeth. Harris has a set of ideas about policy that are fairly middle of the road. In most countries she's would be seen as a centrist. Spin about her radical agendas are exaggerated. 

I'm not sure how he got past "grab them by the pussy", but he did and here we are.

Women: Obviously the idea of giving women pregnancy tests at the borders of the state, and then if they come back and don't have a baby, they go to jail, isn't really what most women want. Pick Harris. 

I understand if you think abortion is murder, maybe you've been told that by the Catholic church, which has the same ideal of Buddhism that you don't kill--so follow your religion for yourself. Not everyone is Christian or Buddhist or even has a religion. Women are actually dying because they can't get abortion even when it's medically indicated, when the child won't survive and the mother is in danger. Women are dying, doesn't seem very pro-life in the application.

Economists say Harris' plans are better than Trump's. (The Hill, Forbes) If inflation is your issue, then vote for Harris.

Taxes: You're not in the tax bracket that Harris wants to raise taxes, restore them to more equitable levels. She wants to increase them for corporations. Won't hurt you unless you're upset at having a little more sliced off your huge pie. Think about other people, and you're not that rich, so pick Harris. 

Character: Trump is a rapist pedophile felon, and Harris has had a life that includes not having children from herself, but only stepchildren. He's yet to be held accountable for his election subversion in Georgia. He has yet to be held accountable for his role in January 6th. He was never held accountable for his emoluments. Or breaking the Logan act. Many of his former cabinet have gone to prison. He had to pay 5 million for defamation about raping a woman, and had to pay 5 million, and then kept on at it, so that he had to pay 83.3 million. Never again can I hear a republican say character matters. Many republicans who do care about character have abandoned the republican party. The list of republicans for Harris keeps growing. Vote for Harris.

Foreign Policy: Right wing dictators like Trump, fear Harris. Trump has broken the Logan act and talked to countries leaders. Vote for Harris. 

Israel: Harris supports Israel, but probably not in the right wing and for sale way that Trump is. Trump has broken the Logan act and talked to countries leaders. 

Jill Stein is sticking it to Harris, but voting for Stein if you were going to vote for Harris, and then chose a single issue like Gaza, will find Trump worse. Your actual choice is between horrible Trump and reasonable Harris. Stein isn't in it, just takes votes away. If you want to see America burn, vote for Stein.

Time to look larger picture and see Trump would be bad for Israel, in the long run. Harris will support Israel and suggest the best path for them. People who want the genocide in Gaza to end, are more likely to get it through Harris. Stein won't win and a vote for her could give you Trump, a huge mistake that will actually backfire. Vote for Harris.

Age: There are fears that Trump is exhibiting cognitive decline. He's only a few years younger than Biden and Biden dropped out because he's getting to be too old. If Biden did the right thing, you might consider voting for Harris. Harris has released her medical records, and Trump has not. Vote for Harris. (Here's an interview with an aid who says he's broken. Two). (AP)

Do you like video games? Trump says he's going to ban them (source).

Trump gets repeatedly sued and issued cease and desist orders for playing musicians music at his rallies. 

Fascism rhetoric (The Hill). The right predictably tries to spin Harris as autocratic but Trump is full on fascist. (Politico). 

Finally, Trump is morally contemptible. He's spread rumors about FEMA such that he's politicized hurricane relief, harming Americans who need relief, and threatening FEMA workers (source). 

Trump complained about border issues, and then canceled the republican legislation to try and solve those issues, because he wanted to run his campaign on those issues.

He has spun a narrative where Haitian immigrants are eating dog, and is currently being prosecuted for these crimes. 

He now law flouting Robin Hood, he's a criminal who exploits his position, and essentially he's running for president to grift and avoid prosecution. His packed supreme court avoided ruling on cases until after the election. He's gamed the judicial system to create one of the worst Supreme courts in my lifetime. In collaboration with the legislature, they blocked an Obama appointment, the court has swung dangerously to the radical far right. And the graft and corruption in the court has confidence in the court at an all time low. 

He has compromised legislature, judiciary, bullied the papers, who cover him nicely under the guise of being objective and providing information, when context and memory are in short supply. And he wants to run the executive branch as the oldest president on record, but he won't release his health records. In short he's nothing but a complete disaster. He's truly a treasonous rapist pedophile felon. That he is even being considered is beyond the pale.  To get off on how disgusted people are by him, is a double sickness, the level of horror Trump has brought out in America will take a long time to recovery. Trump has regressed the country back over a hundred years. 

I have lost many friends who did not see the January insurrection as not a serious matter. Like all republicans, accusations are confessions. I had a right wing friend who always accused me of wanting a communist dictatorship. Turns out he's the one who wanted a right wing dictatorship, democracy wasn't really a value of his. 


    When I was younger I thought Freud's death instinct was crazy. I think people want to destroy America, even Jill Stein of the green party, everyone is not getting their way on an issue, and they're not seeing the larger picture and want to just destroy everything. In a way, I'm not sure if democracy is up to the crisis of climate change, Tump and the increased consciousness of the information age, where we're seeing things we wouldn't be seeing. The right wing solution is to impoverish everyone so they can't stop working and don't have time to consume information, bringing back fundamentalist values that sort of override  things, so you don't have much choice, you have to be a trad wife, you have to produce a lot of babies so you don't have any time, and you're really hooked into the capitalist system. The people who couldn't tolerate ambivalence and the complexities, are hunkering down even more in their sureties, while the conscious and more aware are tortured by confronting every problem. There are studies that right wing people are more happy, and that's because they're sure, and they're dismissive and oblivious. Right wing women can't acknowledge female oppression, or they would just die, so they're in denial. Trump is actively trying to destroy America, and he's got his 70 million fans cheering on this death. And the newspaper of choice is focusing on reporting a balanced story, to just give the information, and that feels more threatening than ever, we need help coping with modern existence.

    Trump realized contradictions, spelling mistakes, projection and hypocrisy got him attention and didn't detract from his voters, so he's used that technique to get lots of free press and amplification.  

    I will say one thing, Trump is good at giving the impressions that he's leading in the polls, his cultic following show a kind of fervor needed to vote, but he has no chance if there's good turnout overall. Can the left and middle and near right turn out enough? I think they will. The only poll that matters is election day. I think his followers want to destroy everything, and as sick and broken as our society is, we still want effective sane government. 

    People with conservative instincts have to be pulled in two directions. When I was growing up they cast themselves as the moral majority, the silent majority, now republicans are just ideology over America and morality. Just hate, no unifying or patriotism. Trump unchecks so many boxes the republicans used to check. So why does he even have a chance? I guess that's the unexplainable populism, the body politic manipulation. What he's figured out, I don't understand, because to me, he offers nothing. An alternative to the liberal vision that is an apocalypse, I guess. Blow it all up. The destructive urge, the toddler destruction. This is where Trump's trauma lies, where his voters trauma lies. He's tapped into some diaper stuff about destruction and control. 

    In the light of day, if you don't want to destroy America, vote for Harris. She might not excite you or promise you the moon, or be inscrutable. Yes, she is a woman of color. Overqualified in my opinion compared to disqualified, but if you have the ideological need to vote against the left, and you find Trump morally repugnant, vote for her anyway and complain, throw some at the republicans who put forth Trump and not just Harris. Grow up America, don't reenact some toddler shit. 


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