Small minded people will always prey on the weak minded to divide unity in the open democratic society. The world seems to have voted for closed societies, not based on democracy. According to Wikipedia only 6.4% of the population are under a full democracy. 37% of the people in the world are ruled by authoritarian regimes. Finland, Norway and Sweden lead the world in democracy. Afghanistan leads the world in lack of democracy, followed by Myanmar and North Korea. It's no wonder that someone has the fantasy of a startup tech CEO dictatorship . Not surprisingly the author of the blog touting this brand of monarchy is himself a startup CEO. In the USA he slots right in with the right wing. People like Elon Musk, but most people the shine has worn off his ascent based on reading his tweets. Jeff Bezos has stepped down in favor of riding around in a yacht. Zuckerberg sunk his capital into something even his own employees are not interested in. Steve Jobs is dead, and he gave a Buddhi...