I wish I could write a play where Chogyam Trungpa is begged to begin recovery by his followers who are harden AA people.
I love Moon for Misbegotten, Waiting for Godot, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
I have a biography of Beckett. I could read one of Albee and I think I'd take a pass on the addiction of O'Neil, and go to Miller. I have Bill Bryson's biography of Shakespeare on my shelf, but I'd love to really read about all the other ones around that time: Marlowe, Fletcher, Middleton, Kyd, Jonson.
I'm reading Lear, about Green Tara, Tibetan Mysticism, the archetypal Buddhas, Topeka School, Secular Buddhism, Morbo and V. No time to pick up a new book, need to finish some of the ones I'm reading. Reading is so linear, it's frustrating. Mostly I watch movies or TV, write. Life is too rich at times, and not enough at others.
Bonus: Pirate books discussed on Reddit
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