I’ve recently been bewitched by two painters. Oscar Howe died in 1983, but there's an exhibit in NYC on him at the National Museum of the American Indian until September 11th ( Source ). Want to learn more about him based on this amazing painting, and some of the others I was able to see online. ( More ) ( Wikipedia ) 6/11/22 Issue of New Yorker does a profile: "Born in 1915, with the tribal name Mazuha Hokshina, on an impoverished reservation in South Dakota, he was shipped off, seven years later, to one of the United States’ federally run boarding schools. At the time, these schools harshly endeavored to suppress Native youths’ ancestral ways. He spoke no English when he arrived. Beset by eye and skin diseases and, in 1924, traumatized by news of the death, from an illness, of his mother, he contemplated suicide. The school let him leave to convalesce. He spent roughly a year back on his home reservation with a sage grandmother, Shell Face, whose exciting stories im...