Jan-Margaret Fuller- Women in 19th Century Feb-Emerson-Nature & Self Reliance March-Narrative of Sojourner Truth & the topic of Abolition April-Frederick Douglass-his 3 autobiographies May-Jones Very & the topics of Mental Illness and Disability June-Julia Ward Howe-The Hermaphrodite (and/or HBStowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and/or LMAlcott’s Long Fatal Love Chase) July-Thoreau-Walden Aug-Elizabeth Peabody-Record of a School (Bronson Alcott’s Temple School) Sept-Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins-Life among the Piutes (ed. by Mary Peabody Mann) Oct-Nathaniel Hawthorne-Mosses from an Old Manse Nov-Thomas Wentworth Higginson-Army Life in a Black Regiment Dec-Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson (as much as we can fit in!) I'm so psyched! By March I was having other ideas. Maybe we should have read Frederick Douglass in February and focused women into March, Women's history month. But then I realized there was more of an emphasis on women, because the list was created by a woman--and I g...