I saw an article that said a publishing company was gonna print 8000 books next year written with AI. That seems kind of frightening in a way. But if you think about it, there’s going to be some good books in there if it really is intelligence. Now whether it’s uploaded intelligence or artificial intelligence or human intelligence, intelligence is intelligence, so I think that it’s possible. I want to be open minded. It’s hard to believe that there will be a brand that emerges like oh I like this AI named Finger Ferb or something like that. I read Hemingway because I kind of got into the whole mystique about him. I read Virginia Wolff because of her mystique. I read other authors because they seem to have also a sort of interesting narrative behind their art.
We’re going to be relying on brands more and more now and others recommendations now that recommendations should become such a thing.
People are already trying to game reviews with bots and other contrivances. Capitalism has always been about manipulation. There's a normal non-manipulative capitalism that is essential to a well functioning society, and there's perverted capitalism that requires government to correct.
I feel very strongly that AI authors should be labeled as such.
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