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Project 2025

Like everything Trump does, there's a bit of a sliver, the bamboo shoot under the nail for liberals and left wing people. His whole attention grab is a bit rapey. I'm not going to read project 2025, I'm just going to read snippets and outraged reactions on his pal Elon Musk's twitter. (Musk is a bit rapey himself, forcing a different name on you for twitter, but if Musk can deadname his own children, we can deadname his company.) 

I want to be better than Trump and Musk, more ethical, but they drag us into the mud with them, they're doers who need to wrankle some people by what they do. They probably coronate themselves as disrupters, Musk with technology and Trump with politics. And they're both out to get a buck from it, and service genitals. 

My right wing friend's reaction to January 6th was, "you won." Democracy didn't win?! He's not shocked at the attempted takeover of democracy, he just saw me as winning, personally. I naively thought he would be on the side of democracy. He'd always accused me of wanting a dictatorship, ridding over his feelings about what he wished would happen. I've noticed a lot of the people on the right have a kind of feeling about the left trying to get it's way. Because they feel raped, it's OK to rape back, their feelings justify the weirdly unsuccessful, attempted coup. One person I talked to suggested it was a protest, like what's going on in Portland. Same thing liberals do. 

Many right wing people are gleeful at the discomfort Trump has caused others. That is why they like him so much. That Biden doesn't excite the left that way, well, he doesn't have the it factor, the rizz. I've been guilty of complaining about his age, but I do think given the history of late changes, that he's the only thing between America and Trump. Biden is the barrier for Trump. 

Trump disavows the Project 2025 because he didn't think of it, and it's others job to persuade him, he's not persuaded by a document, he wants to see the offer, take the highest bid. All the horrible consequences of the various proposals in Project 2025 are something he wants to extort from the sadists with money, and if they can't yield him something, he's not interested. Trump is like an extorting robot AI, getting everything he can out of this transaction in selling whatever the executive branch can sell. 

The vagueness of the situation means he can disavow it. Those people did use to work for him, sure, and if he can become popular with their proposals, he could embrace them, but they're not popular, so he can also speak out of the other side of his mouth on this one. The gimey horrible policy he will eventually come up with might be different, but they will be just as grimey as Project 2025. It's not good to make things concrete to oppose, it's better to be vague. 

There's a bit of the Order 66 in it. Trump campaign headquarters refer to themselves as the Death Star. The whole path is Sith in plain daylight, not hidden or sneaky as they think they are. We already know he's a Sith at this point. 

We should have known when he suggested grabbing married women by the pussy, he is led around by his dick, but when you really like the way Trump grabs the liberals by the pussy and rapes them with conservative policy, which isn't really policy, it's just nothing in the space where federal government has interventions to prevent death, like with Covid. 

His policy is tax breaks for the rich, and the rest is monkeyshines, distraction and grift. The culture wars of punching down on minorities and gays is just division, so we can't all unify together. It harnesses the latent hatred and blame of the white man. 

We thought we'd dismissed racism and other forms of othering and cruelty and punching down, from the body politic. At least we got people to not feel safe expressing it. People feel safe to be their worst selves, hate, and be grubby. The right doesn't buy the liberal fantasies, thinks the least of humanity, they are deeply wounded, they want to kill them before they are even born, the way their conservative instincts feel murdered before they're even born. The sneak attacks will keep coming, to the cult's glee. 

Many educated conservatives are disgusted by Trump, resigned from the republican party. The right has had many centrist candidates, who partook in some liberalism, nobody is one thing and not the other, we're all mixtures. The right wing people fighting against Trump are a real problem. The former employees couldn't be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. They almost all are against him. To come in contact with Trump is to be raped or used in other ways.

There is nothing off the table with Trump in his negotiations with the body politics, and he uses liberal outrage to gauge his moves, he's negotiating a stream of public opinions and close range options, plus his payout. He's always trying to get away with something for profit, that's his business mindset. 

If his rapes were caught right away and he was held accountable, he would be a different person. How can he get America into a ponzi scheme where the money flows towards him? What pleasure can he extract from an unwilling woman? He's never really come up with a good business idea, but politics has been profitable. 

For all the hate he's gotten, for all his limited vision, he was president for 4 years, and Biden took that away from him. His move was to pretend it wasn't happening, the same way he pretended Covid wasn't happening, or global warming. He likes to collude with other denial rapists. The idea that you can overlook somehow what he's done is part of how he continues to exist. 

He can't make his 34 felonies go away, he can't get the pictures of him and Epstein to go away. He never had his daddy's love, but he inherited his money anyway. A family where the men were anti-social, willing to do whatever to survive and forge a living. Poverty and criminal involvement go hand in hand for these survivalists. Except he was raised with wealth in Jamaica Estates Queens. What he inherited was a derring-do. Nobody has thought of things he's thought of. In between gangster criminal and legitimate there is a thin layer of action where he profits, and it's capitalism to find that space before the liberals outlaw it. 

Trump hates lawyers because they're specific, truth oriented. He likes vagueness and the absence of truth. Truth is what you make of it. He hates the Times, because it fancies itself the record. All the checks and balances of democracy are just more complications in his ponzi schemes. Everything can be bought and manipulated. All rich men know that. Musk wants underground tunnels for the rich to drive their car like batman. Musk is using technology in these gray areas, Trump is kind of jealous and yet he's not, he's too selfish to worry about what others are getting, he's focused on what he's getting. He'll just make weird comments about electric cars. 

Trump is becoming increasingly desperate. For all the excitement, he's getting tired. Even a golden toilet is just a place you crap on. The walls are closing in on him, truth and death. We're waiting for a Rosebud moment. 

He thought he would relax in his old age, but somehow the reigns of power were thrown at him, what's a guy going to do? Not take them up? 

He's too selfish to care about his family, they're just another group to exploit to him. Little kids just take up resources, that's why he ignores them. He can't even be bothered to hold one up like a bible. He only wants genital comfort, that's why he doesn't like pets. He doesn't need emotional comfort, his emotions were buried in military school. Nobody ever taught him how to be a human, except unlike Spock or Data or Odo he's not curious about being human. Barron Trump has a kind of haunted look of someone who's been weirdly groomed and gaslight, but as he waves on the stage, he begins to wonder how he can use this for his genitals. His mother was a whore, and he's a whores son, but he's going to show them. He doesn't care either. The Trump way. His older half brothers have taken their place in the empire. He will too. 

Trump can always use workers looking for his approval, children just have another kind of way to exploit or enhance his reputation. He's a Ferengi, exploitation begins at home. You can see in pictures, he wishes it were not a liberal taboo to fuck you daughter. Lot got to fuck his daughters, that's why he likes the evangelicals. 

It's all about his genitals in the end. Melania won't hold his hand coming down the stairs off the plane, she's induced not to leave yet, he could still be president again. Too bad he hasn't figured out how to fire her. The second she can not see him again, it will happen, it could happen now, he could be divorced the second the election is over, win or lose. 

She might not formalize a separation, she could just move away and remain married. They haven't been intimate in years, maybe since Baron was conceived, her anchor baby. 

He laments everyone wants something from him, he sees how they come at him, trying to get a piece, it's no wonder he's transaction man. He lost "everything" in one of the downturns, and saw who was really his friends. He's a survivor. He'll be OK when he loses to an elderly Biden. He can run against the next candidate, again and again until he dies. It helps keep the dogs at bay. He's learned the business of politics and put his own people into the republican party. For all the people who say Democrats don't fall in line, the Republicans fall in line too much. He's constantly learning how to accumulate more and more power, the only thing that matters. He's the American psycho. 

You see them on social media. People will disappoint you. Hard times bring out hard behaviors. The reenactment of generational trauma keeps us in these cycles.

Newspapers will disappoint you. I canceled my NY Times. Their editorial telling Biden to step down was pathetic. The billionaires just want tax breaks and let America burn. Facebook dropped restrictions on Trump after all he's done.

He's taking from what he learned, and was not held accountable for the insurrection January 6th, and preparing to contest the system again (Times).

I think disillusionment is good. 73 million people voted for Trump in the last election. We don't know our fellow American's hearts. I did too much projection of good onto others. We need to do better as a nation. In education, in kindness towards others, in ethics, honesty and integrity. These ideas come from me, but in part they come from my spiritual tradition. I don't don't think to impress my spirituality onto others, it is a force of good from within me. 

You don't get the sense that Trump would be interested in photos from outer space, the cosmic perspective. Beauty of the clouds. Contemplating spiritual infinity. Watch a supernova, and see if Trump's vision seems sufficient. Here is a gift link.

Corroborating Links:

Musk donates to Trump (Bloomberg)

Trump is getting help from Russia (Wall Street Journal)

Facebook restrictions dropped. (Sara Fischer)

George Conway going over the DSM criteria for anti-social disorder.


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