I'm watching the last few episodes of Deep Space 9. A theme has emerged. The shifting evil present in the wars makes strange bedfellows. Keira advises the Cardassians, her lifelong foe, in how to subvert the Cardassian government, which was taken over by the Dominion and the Breen.
Some can't raise above their distaste and hatred, they can't act in their own best interest. As in many dramas, the good side seems to always wins.
A Team of Rivals is the name of a history book about the disparate cabinet of Lincoln.
I hear a quote from Hickey in Community. He said you don't get to choose who you're actually fighting for when you fight for a country, you fight for the whole country, you don't get to pick and choose.
We're watching the Republican party attack each other, as the Trump hopes fade, and Trump runs out of people who haven't betrayed him in his mind. There are always fresh suckers to exploit, and most people who work for Trump end up used husks, disgraced and out of options.
An articulation of conservatism is Edmund Burke who saw the wild idealism of the French Revolution as too idealistic, too dreamy. Conservatism has a back-to-reality quality to it, accepts the limitations of humanity and assesses the situation rather more accurately.
I hate to say it but the dreamy quality of Trump's hucksterism has strong counter winds of back-to-reality fighting it. I don't think Nikki Haley or Liz Cheney will overthrow Trump, but they're standing up to him, and reminding conservatives that Trump is a corrupt leader, unworthy of more opportunities.
Some think he's not even running to win, just to stave off the justice nipping at his heels, so he can say the accountability is a political thing, not a justice thing, even though it clearly is a justice thing and not a political thing. His brainwashed minions swallow his propaganda and spin and lies. They identify with the corrupt strong man, feel they too are too hampered by rules and accountability. Greed and ethics contradict one another and they will always run afoul of the law.
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