Colorado takes Trump off the ballot because of the insurrection. The headlines are that Congress is upset. You can't have it both ways, either you like state rights or you don't like states rights. I thought the right liked states rights. (NY Times)
Mike Johnson think it's a partisan move. Everything that far right wing Christian nationalist does is partisan so of course he thinks that. And he helped and was complicit in the insurrection, so he's also going to be against being held accountable for that day's actions.
The lower court ruling was partisan and that's why it went to the state supreme court.
How can a centrist work with someone so blatantly hypocritical and corrupt?
I know I'm on the right track when Lindy Li agrees with me.
"The case was filed by six Republicans, and the Colorado Supreme Court cited a previous ruling by Justice Gorsuch in their decision. Trump's own party did this, not Democrats." (Cole) Thus making Mike Johnson's comment about partisan even more inaccurate, and further from the truth.
The Colorado Supreme Court Decision Is True Originalism (Atlantic)
"The court applied the plain language of the Constitution, doing its job with clarity and fidelity to the rule of law."
Of course the New York Times prints an editorial suggesting it's a mistake. That people see New York Times as a left wing paper, is beyond me.
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