“114. But now think of the Dutch expression: "Dat zin maar blauwe bloempjes" - “Those are nothing but blue flowers." In which case "blue flowers" means a pack of bald-faced lies.” - from Bluets by Maggie Nelson . It's an odd little book, which is part of it's charm. She's personal, confessional, literary, historical. "You cannot step into the same river twice" heartening anthem, without a doubt. But really this is but one version of the fragment left behind by Heraclitus, who was justly nicknamed "The Riddler" or "The Obscure." Other versions: "On those stepping into rivers staying the same other and other waters flow"; "We step and do not step into the same river; we are and we are not"; "You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters and yet others, go flowing on." It seems that something is staying the same here, but what?" (p. 80).