New York Post consistently irks me with their headlines. Great sports page. But their fight against progressives is designed to whip up their base. Rarely do I read the irking article.
For instance they caught deBlasio kissing a woman (gasp!) and timed how long it went on. Kind of creepy. More than creepy, it's harassment. Get a life. Videos of Biden almost tripping, just a little slip. Yea, you're really the 4th estate with that one.
When James Carville is quoted in the New York Post, you know he's said something stupid. Carville is essentially doing right wing talking points. I guess he's still married to that right wing hack. Maybe he said all that so he could take his shots at the Republican party. Was he just saying those things so he could say things to the right base? And then the Post carries it. I guess it's one way to get messages across. What is his message? I couldn't find one.
I would argue pulling the party left is what the primaries is all about. If you vote for Marianne Williamson or Cornel West, as long as you vote against Trump, you're fine as as far as I'm concerned. I don't care if he dies in office either. Maybe get a white male VP so voters don't get twitchy. I've always though Harris was the perfect assassination protection, those wackos won't want a black woman to run the country. I'm sure she's do a great job even if they Obama'd her. Obama was our greatest recent president since Carter, but the unspoken racism of the resistance to him was so great, he was basically handcuffed. He held that too, he was so great. America basically handicaps itself with all these mental viruses: racism, anti-gun control, anti-effective government.
Gavin Newsom would probably do more good in California than as VP, but it would get him to Washington to begin campaigning for
"A recent poll from CNN..." Right wing CNN that swerved right after it was bought? Um, no thank you.
I'd care what right wing people said if they had said anything about Reagan's senility. Every right wing person who complained about Reagan can weigh in on Biden. (Crickets).
November 5th is coming up soon. Presidential election in 13 months.
Hey, New York Magazine commented on NY Post loving deBlasio kissing. "The ultimate question: Does the tabloid coverage of the former mayor’s dating life ultimately improve or impede his chances at finding love?"
Conservatives get upset by looting. Progressives get upset by people dying, from poor health care, education, food deserts, etc. You're not supposed to be able to shoot someone trying to steal things from you, but conservative states have rewritten the law to stand your ground. People can't take things. Conservatives are upset about theft. Progressives are upset about loss of life. Conservatives think their despair about theft entitles them to forget life. Progressives can't sooth this existential problem for conservatives because it's their problem. Conservatives don't care that lives are lost for their existential freedoms. Guns, healthcare access, environmental disasters kill mostly poor people. They were expendable anyway by being poor. Blame the victims.
Voting is public transit, not dating. You vote for the candidate that gets you closest to the destination you want, not the one that fufills all your dreams.
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