New York Post consistently irks me with their headlines. Great sports page. But their fight against progressives is designed to whip up their base. Rarely do I read the irking article. For instance they caught deBlasio kissing a woman (gasp!) and timed how long it went on. Kind of creepy. More than creepy, it's harassment. Get a life. Videos of Biden almost tripping, just a little slip. Yea, you're really the 4th estate with that one. When James Carville is quoted in the New York Post, you know he's said something stupid. Carville is essentially doing right wing talking points. I guess he's still married to that right wing hack. Maybe he said all that so he could take his shots at the Republican party. Was he just saying those things so he could say things to the right base? And then the Post carries it. I guess it's one way to get messages across. What is his message? I couldn't find one. I would argue pulling the party left is what the primaries is all abou...