Being stuck upside down in a roller coaster is perhaps the image of our times (source).
The cynical take over of the Supreme Court, through graft, corruption and cheating rolls back the liberal progress.
Political discourse is dead, Republicans don't want to debate, they want to grasp the rings of power and do the unpopular things, they know better.
"The conservative cultural movement is based on lies, misinformation, and fantasies. That’s what makes these people so odious when they crawl out from under their rocks and present themselves in the public square: They make stuff up and then demand that their delusions be given pride of place in our objective reality. (There simply is no woke, trans, race-critical monster hiding under their beds who comes out at night and jabs their children with a vaccine that makes them gay." (Source)
Culture wars are a distraction. I think Trump was fine with misspelling Covfefe. Every time a liberal person tweets the latest outrage of fascism by DeSantis, you're giving the twats more oxygen.
Gavin Newsom heads to Idaho, a haven for Republicans, to stump for Biden (source).
The democratic party fears Marriane Williamson and Cornell West, but they put forth important ideas. Hopefully they can push Biden from the left.
“If the Democrats don’t want third-party candidates like myself, why don’t you put poor and working people, here and abroad, at the center of your vision? Biden was a caretaker president for four years,” West told the outlet.
“Democrats can’t have caretaker presidents forever,” he added. “If the only alternative to neoliberalism is neofascism, that is a catastrophe, and you’re still going to have fascism sooner or later. You need to confront fascism with vision, with passion; you need to re-channel the insecurities and fears of American citizens. That’s how you undercut fascism, internally.”
They're afraid in France, a country who likes to chop off the heads of the corrupt elite. Protests are sweeping France (source).
I'm afraid the information age has disrupted the order of things, and the rise of populist right wing types, capitalizing on rural disgruntlement somehow, has led to a rise of fascism. With abundant information available, nobody can hide.
A guy on Reddit was complaining that when he was kicked out of a Mets game in 2008, they have facial recognition software now, and he was kicked out of a Mets game in 2023. He stuck up for a friend who was being abused while in custody, but he admits to being a drunken fool who went into seats that were not his own. And now he can't go to a Mets game with his family.
James Dolan kicked out a scout leader from a holiday show because she worked at a law firm that was suing a subsidiary of MSG, so now she can't go to a holiday show with the girl scouts, and the trip had to be canceled. Not just protecting fans from out of control people, but enacting corporate vengeance. Not letting the courts determine justice.
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