NY Post: Censorship of Roald Dahl is more akin to China’s cultural revolution than supposed democracies.
Um no. That is capitalism. The publisher and family want to sell books, so they're making them less offensive, the way the Seus family did. This gets conservatives all rankled up, they forget how much they love capitalism and the right to choose in business, and go off on inaccurate nightmare fantasies.
Somehow democracy has to take care of this inaccurate fear, but I'll be darned if I can't just imagine the right getting their facts a little more straight and being less ideological, and political in the bad sense that they try to score points with false ideas.
In one country your have an autocratic government who likes to focus on obedience. In another you have a democracy that is about not harming people.
The right's love of painting left wing people in America as communists is pretty putrid, off, wrong, etc.
Russia and Chiana's execution of communism wasn't democratic. Autocracy is a style of government, Communism is the content. Autocracy doesn't want to be responsive to the people and thinks it knows better. Communism is the antidote to capitalism and will always present where capitalism is present. When owners steal the wage labor of the people, cut salary and job willy nilly for profit, there are no protections to the people. Autocracy flips that around in a strong arm move that isn't appropriate.
Mitigated capitalism is where you curb some of the worst things, like excessive accumulation of wealth, and monopolies. People get confused because capitalism uses so much force, that they think communism needs to use so much force. If the people choose to break up monopolies, perhaps make regulations that prevent horrific train accidents that create ecological disasters.
Conservatives are fighting a dualistic fight where the more they win, the more they will have to fight. The same could be said for communists. They are to extreme ideas on how to do things. Humans are able to blend ideas and act in their own interest.
You see now conservatives against "wokeness", the idea that you can understand and be kind to people. They feel that impinges on their right to be selfish. Like the right to be free from covid is balanced with the right to be able to spread it and ignore science. Maybe it's not that simple, but I obviously fall on one side.
As a democracy lover I don't think that I necessarily get my way in the dialectic of democracy. What irks me about present day conservatives is they think almost overthrowing democracy is a legitimate political discourse, and that lying is OK and that they can get their information from entertainment outlets who don't want to be held accountable to objective facts.
I'm reading A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling. I want to understand the rugged individualism and the personality and psychological roots to not wanting to collectively solve a problem. Collectivism is a real fear for these types, and it's easier to talk that way when you live off a dirt road. My city friends who don't like collectivism drive on the road, get their garbage taken away, and ride the subway. Updates to follow.
MTG thinks the red states should succeed from the union (Independent). So you know what kind of people suggest that they should succeed? Radical, far out nuts. Not getting enough traction in the country, so they want to go. It's a democracy, honey. Look in the mirror if you can't persuade enough people to your white supremacy agenda.
Those states would be destroyed, they get more federal money than they give, and true America would swing left, I would love love love that. Ununited states of fucking idiots.
And to top it all the fucking off, Dahl's rewrite isn't even happening in America.
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