This section of Gravity's Rainbow is 97 pages, the shortest section. Un Perm' au Casino Hermann Goering means A furlough at the Hermann Göring Casino. However, since the French noun permission, of which perm is an abbreviated form, is feminine, it should be une perm. Zak Smith's p. 181 Erotic Clausewitz (P.182): Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780–1831) was a Prussian soldier, military historian and expert military theorist. He is most notable for his treatise Vom Kriege, translated into English as On War. The scene where an octopus almost drags a woman into the water is part of the scenes I imagine in a movie. That and the topless woman in a convertible and the banana greenhouse. Fascinating article about Pynchon: Hanging with Pynchon by Bill Pearlman Previous Posts: Recent thoughts on Gravity's Rainbow Recent thoughts on Gravity's Rainbow Recent Gravity Rainbow thoughts Pirate Prentice Gravity’s Rainbow Start Thomas Pynchon