The Met stopped doing blackface in 2015. That Gelb sends a letter to Netrebko in 2022 telling her she hasn't caught onto the fashion is kind of funny (background). He's rarely been head of the curve, is reactive like all unenlightened beings.
I've been thinking a lot about how in the 70's we in America stopped defining homosexuality as pathological, stopped doing ice pick lobotomies. They are still done today but much more rigorously, like like electric shock therapy. Now there are people who write memoirs about how the procedure saves their lives. The best way to sell prozac was to write a book about how it was unfair to give people who were under performing it to make them exceptional, because you know everyone ran out hoping to be exceptional.
The 70's was when abortion became legal and the pill came out. MAGA depends on a magical past that never existed, well my nostalgia is more historically based and issue based.
It's the 70's where there's an explosion of information about Buddhism, and people who went east to learn about it came back and shared it imperfectly with others. The baby boomers were piggy backing off the greatest generation to update, upgrade society. When The Swans Came To The Lake came out first in 1981.
It's the 70's when arpanet began the internet age, and computers started to become a thing.
The 70's started with the Manson trials, and we asked how could someone be so alienated? We began to ask questions about trauma.
Some serious hedonistic ways of life were experimented.
I'm hoping the 20's are more like the 70's. I'm afraid the 30's are going to be more like it when we shuck off these regressive and reactionary ways we've stumbled into. I'd like Klosterman to do a book about the 70's.
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