"In 1981, Reagan Republicans took power with the plan of cutting the government back to the form it took in the 1920s. But Americans like a basic social safety net and protection for consumers and workers, so to win votes for tax cuts and deregulation, Republican leaders warned that white Christian men who just wanted to work hard for their own success were under attack by a government in thrall to minorities, women, lazy organized workers, and secularists who were destroying traditional values and turning the country over to socialism." Heather Cox Richardson's opening paragraph in her amazing daily history of America.
She goes on...
"As wealth concentrated upward and it became harder and harder for ordinary Americans to rise, Republican leaders demonized Democrats and, when voters kept electing them, delegitimized elections themselves. Increasingly, they talked of the need for violence to protect individualism from an overreaching government."
"Finally, as of January 6, 2021, they have rejected the idea of democracy and have convinced their followers—and perhaps themselves—that the only way to save America is to destroy it.
That's some powerful stuff. Go read the whole thing. She goes on to explain how well Biden is doing and how inflation works. How Capitalism is responsible for the formula shortage, not socialism.
Bonus tweet:
"Mike Pence knew Trump was an unfit, unwell, out of control, barely-literate, delusional, narcissistic, nihilistic, greedy incompetent, evil unchristian fascist criminal moron traitor, and did nothing but give him googly eyes for 4 years.
What a pathetic spineless turd.
Coward." (source)
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