This animation movie was based on a video game. I think I'd like to play this video game. The way our world has evolved people are more likely to be exposed to Dante's ideas through a video game than through reading his text, or in my case, a translation of the text. The voice of Graham McTavish is perfect.
Dante has lost his way. That got me thinking that it's not often talked about that when you are ethical, you have the gladdening. Life is good because you don't feel guilty all the time. Also when you lose your path, you have this kind of lost sick feeling. That is the feeling that the movie conveys.
This movie makes Beatrice an active lover (instead of the real Dante who met her twice, and fantasized about here), and Dante has gone off to war. I makes Dante a warrior instead of a poet. And Beatrice betrays him by betting against the devil that he will betray her going off to war. He does not and the Devil claims her, and he goes off to get her from hell. I can see why it's a compelling video game narrative, but I guess I like the old version.
I feel like Peter Jackson should do a version.
Other Versions (I don't do silent or foreign)
Dante's Inferno (2007) is set in a puppet theater.
There's a black and white animated film (2010) Dante's Inferno: Abandon All Hope
Dante's Hell Animated (2013) is a 39 minute version on Amazon Prime for $2.
Dante's Inferno (1935 film) has Spencer Tracy in a carnival setting. Video clip on YouTube: 1. Rita Hayworth as a ballroom dancer 2. Clip
In A TV Dante the text is read entirely in "talking head" fashion, and punctuated with a kaleidoscopic blend of both newly shot and archival footage. You can watch it on YouTube
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