"I’ve studied the video from the Los Angeles show, frame by frame, many times, trying to figure out what is even happening with their hands. It all seems vaguely impossible. Beck is slouched, barely moving his wrists, creating an entire soundscape from flurries of drum strikes; DOMi sits straight-backed, each hand working through more overlapping ideas than you’d think one person could have brain space, let alone fingers, to execute. When they finish, the crowd erupts, and DOMi puts her phone up to the mic to amplify a series of fart noises — an introduction to the next song, which is called “Bathroom,” because, Beck explains, that’s where they wrote it."
Ryan Bradle in NY Times about THIS.
Someone wrote in the comments, "They sound like two kids who stumbled upon some magical radioactive shit in the woods that gave them jazz superpowers and they’re just fucking around and figuring out what they can use them for"
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