A liberal doesn't want to contain caring. A conservative puts a limit, a boundary on caring. Not at the federal level, rarely in government. They want to be free of government interference, trust the survival of the fittest games. Only care for the inner tribe, maybe only the nuclear tribe, maybe only yourself. Trust that selfishness isn't as evil as you would think. People will try and shame you for not thinking of others, but that is their hangup. The energy you release by just focusing on yourself is important. The energy you waste thinking about abstractions is a waste. All those liberal tears that Trump drank made him stronger to push forward his case. That is why he won't give up on saying the election was a fraud. Somewhere in there is some kind of mistake seam that he can exploit to his 70 million followers
Here is a post a conservative friend wrote: "I have no problem with calls for unity and coming together as Americans. In fact, I approve wholeheartedly. I just wonder why we only hear them after a democrat wins."
I wrote "One of the sources of liberal tears that made Trump stronger was the angst at his permissions for separatist movements, his saying he was only president to red states. A liberal always wants unity, and that is what often offends the conservative who likes to point out they exist, and think differently. A conservative is always going to point to the made up conceits of liberals like unity. A liberal is always going to see the joy of unity, like some Borg collective that only thinks liberal thoughts. Conservatives will think it's made up because it is." I would add capricious and arbitrary. I'd just rather live in that Borg cube.
The endless debate of politics because the perspectives have flaws and the opposition can always point out those flaws. Like a parent who can point out mistakes a child makes. Like there could be some final victory where one perspective wins. It's all a projection of personality. Some people like the ideas of liberalism. Some people find them made up, fake, false, impossible, wasteful. They are more grounded and practical, open to the dark side. The Trump Campaign even called their offices the Death Star, leaning into liberal mythologies.
Politics can be so much more fun than the question, what should I do with my life, and how can I improve my situation?
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