This will be my Hegel Resources Page.
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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831): Hegel has been seen in the twentieth century as the originator of the thesis, antithesis, synthesis triad, but as an explicit phrase it originated with Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814). His mother died when he was 13. He was sent away to school where he read widely in the Enlightenment. He read Rousseau. He watched the French Revolution from Germany and the reign of terror. His friends read Kant. For Hegel the moment Jesus cried out "why hast thou forsaken me", was the moment he knew sin and evil, for evil is the separation of the individual from the universal. He was in Jena when Napoleon entered the city as he raged across Europe. He had an illegitimate son, Georg Ludwig Friedrich Fischer (1807–1831) with his landlady Christiana Burkhardt née Fischer. He moved to Bamberg where he was appointed as a headmaster. In 1811, Hegel married Marie Helena Susanna von Tucher (1791–1855). He moved to Heidelberg, and his illegitimate son joined him after the death of his mother and some time in an orphanage. In 1818 he went to Berlin. He died from cholera in 1831. He heard of his son's death, as a soldier fighting for the Dutch army in Batavia before he died.
1st book: The Phenomenology of Spirit (1807)
2nd book: Science of Logic (1821)
Goethe (1749-1832)
Derrida's book on Hegel: Of Grammatology
History of Philosophy by Arthur F. Holmes
German Words
Weltgeist "world-spirit"
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