My daughter sometimes comes into my room when I'm falling asleep. She likes to watch Community, a show that is probably inappropriate for her, but honestly it is a little wholesome. Troy loves the actor Levar Burton, and he meets him. They have some food together, and Troy finally bursts at meeting his idol. At one point he starts to sing the Reading Rainbow song, "Butterfly in the sky/I can go twice as high."
The full lyrics are here for the Reading Rainbow Theme Song:
Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high
Take a look, it's in a book,
A Reading Rainbow!
I can go anywhere
Friends to know, and ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow!
I can be anything
Take a look, it's in a book
A Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow!
I found 2 episodes, one in Egypt, that fascinated my daughter, and one on an African Arts festival in Central Park. Someone recorded 2 episodes on a VCR. I explained a VCR to my daughter but I think she put it in the "Not important" bin of past technology.
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