I know when someone sees a facebook post and does something bad, a thought that crosses my mind is that Facebook should censor the post. In the New York Times, there's an article where a monk had to flee Cambodia because of a "Disinformation campaign on Facebook." Of course the person doing the disinformation campaign, but who is that? They say a "fake facebook profile" had a video of him bragging that he slept with all the women in a family. They think this smear campaign is because he's an activist, a critic of the regimes authoritarianism policies and by extension Prime Minister Hun Sen.
Agents of authoritarian tendencies use the technology to "make life better" for their citizens. If they could just get over their insecurities of being criticized. Yesh.
I have sympathy for a monk, but that system seems so foreign. In the USA it's Christian wackos who are doing those type of things. And/or bullies.
I need to reread 1983.
I started reading Poor People by Dostoevsky at the park. I don't want to carry my iPad, which is what I'm reading FO'C on. In the intro it said that Dostoevsky had a different take on the irrational than Gogol. I wonder what that could be.
I'm not sympathetic to troll farms in Russia upvoting conservative conspiracies about USA. I say block those accounts, that's interfering in a foreign election. The Rules Don't Apply To Them Republicans don't have a problem with that, but they have no ideology to betray they are power nihilists exploiting the masses.
On the other hand, it's hard to see how Facebook can play god. They're not going to know whether everything is true or false. There is a real epistemological problem.
But I do think they have responsibility for trying to understand how they can be used in bad ways, like to incite a genocide, and try to prevent that, whenever possible.
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