Maine is the only state that only borders one other state. It was probably named after Maine in France. I recently reread the Henry the 6th plays by Shakespeare and they mention Maine. The first colony that tried to settle there only lasted a year.
Mythical creatures of the North Maine Woods:
Here is a gallery of photos of the North Maine Woods.
Mythical creatures of the North Maine Woods:
- Razor-shins was an immortal humanoid with sharp shin bones and a thirst for liquor in the prohibition state of Maine. New employees were encouraged to leave a jug of Bangor whisky outside of the camp door on the night of the full moon. If razor-shins emptied the jug by morning, he might use his razor-sharp shinbones to fell a tree for the new man. But there were tales of new employees caught in the woods by razor-shins and scalped or otherwise mutilated after failing to offer the customary tribute.
- Will-am-alones were squirrel-like creatures said to roll poisonous lichen into small balls and drop them onto the eyelids or into the ears of sleeping men. The lichen balls were reputed to cause headaches and visual hallucinations the following day. The effects seemed most evident among men who had consumed illegal liquor.
- Windigo (or "Indian devil") was described as a huge, shadowy humanoid with a voice like the moaning of the wind through the pine boughs, but known only by his tracks through the snow. Each footprint was 24 inches (61 cm) long and resembled a snowshoe imprint with a red spot in the center where blood had oozed through a hole in his moccasin. Some feared to cross his tracks and claimed looking upon Windigo would seal their doom.
- Ding-ball was a cougar whose last tail joint was ball-shaped and bare of hair and flesh. Ding-ball was fond of human flesh and would sing with a human voice to lure the incautious out of their cabins at night where it waited in the darkness to crack their skulls with its tail.
Dorothea Dix is from Maine.
Top 5 Spring Hikes
Iconic Lighthouses
Moose Watches
Ragged Isle--Show set on the Maine coast.
List of newspapers online from Maine.
Top 5 Spring Hikes
Iconic Lighthouses
Moose Watches
Ragged Isle--Show set on the Maine coast.
List of newspapers online from Maine.
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