Once again the north must be the moral authority, the south doesn't stand up to mendacity. The biggest case against Trump is in Georgia, where he's on tape saying, "get me votes." But no, New York has to hold him accountable. Not sure about the laws he broke. I want to see him get a gag order, and break that and see what they do. The norm in the USA is that former presidents aren't prosecuted. Mayors and governors, sure, but not presidents. But when you're a president who breaks norms, well, you can't complain when norms are broken. With the indictment, the flip is switched. He's not special and he's not getting away with anything. He's being held accountable in a democracy. Whatever the outcome, whatever wrinkles and complications come up. A giant step has been taken for those who feel like he was wrong for america when he made fun of a disabled reporter or said you should just grab women by the pussy. That right there told you all you neede...