Blaming Obama for Trump is pretty twisted. As though trying to act in everyone's best interest causes evil to come out of the woodwork. As if having a desire to benefit all mankind causes the dark side to raise up. I know yin and yang, but I'm not sure if that applies to kind centered government versus evil government, grift and corruption. That whole conception is progressive and would be challenged, but I think it's a special brand of twisted to blame well meaning people for the actions of not well meaning people.
As if it's one side's responsibility for the toxic polarization actions of the other side. As if having a progressive perspective kills the don't tax me, and the don't want government people. Any means necessary is one side's tactic.
The specious rope a dope arguments aren't sincere, and power grabs don't have an ideology. Trump couldn't say what he would accomplish with a second term. He's not going to say I don't want a progressive agenda, and therefore I would do the opposite, whatever that is, because that seems horribly reactive. But that's honestly what it is. Trump has been good at flipping the script, but it's not reality based, it's a rhetoric style of getting over on someone.
Accountability is out the door. Koch apologized for contributing to the polarization and then kept donating to polarizing causes. I mean I get it that if you want to just do what you want to do, you can throw out words so that it seems like there's a conversation but political conversation is dead. He's rich, he gets to advocate for chaos and say he doesn't.
"...the attack on democracy we witnessed so traumatically on January 6 has not ended. It persists in ongoing threats to election officials, threats to murder opponents, and new state laws skewing elections toward Republicans." (source)
This undemocratic power grab politics needs to be snuffed.
There's going to come a time when Republicans and conservatives are saying, "why so harsh, why coming in so hard." They've created a reality show type cruelty that they will eventually regret, and try to put it on the opposition.
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