I had a dream where I had a literature advisor. She was saying that I'd really have to lay into Hemingway to do the work. I got this idea. You know when a pimp suggests he'll give a necklace to a popular hooker. If you snicker along side the pimp, then you continue to support the exploitation of women. There's a kind of line. You accept that exploitation is part of the world, and you work with that system. Or you work against that system. Waking up the thinking continues. When you look at the negative side of Hemingway, you cross the divide. He goes from someone who articulated male desire and chivalry, to someone who didn't adequately credit Fitzgerald for editing The Sun Also rises, or credit Sherwood Anderson for giving him his break. You look at his shabby treatment of his family once they needed him as a rescuer. You look at the way he just moves on from women. The disillusioned veil falls away, and you see a very flawed human, who was very popular and m...