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Showing posts from October, 2019

My writing process and thoughts on writing

I kept a journal from a time I graduated from college, and just wrote and wrote about my life experiences. I don't really write in my journal much any more, and mostly I just blog a lot (into the void) or write on Reddit or write emails. There's a reddit that gives writer prompts, if you'd like to riff off another person's idea. I've also written like a writer. The best example of copying a writer, I thought, was A Million Tiny Pieces, which copied Hemingway in places. The memoir was discredited, and is now labeled as fiction but it was still interesting. I wrote a crappy paper once that copied Beckett's novel writing, that the professor didn't like and I had to write a paper over. There's a million books on writing. I really like writing autobiography but I haven't mustered the follow through to complete an autobiography. I had a friend who took a class with David Huddle, who put checks next to stories in the autobiography that he thought should b...