I know they are an owned company and Chinese invested so what's going on in Hong Kong may have been slightly repressed by rerouting for some to a pro-Chinese r/Hong_Kong instead of r/hongkong, and there are problems that occur in society as well, like meanness and childishness. But I was reading through the various responses on r/ireland about whether Conor McGregor represents Ireland and there's such a fascinating range of opinions and discussion. I wondered if in America someone is either categorized as a pie eyed dreamy liberal or a bible thumping gun toting hypocrite. But that's not true. People have nuance, and can see all the wrinkles if they want to. When you choose not to see wrinkles, it's usually in service of battening the hatches for the storm. I love seeing pictures of baby animals and goats jumping. There are heartwarming stories and you can ask for compliments if you want to. You can ask for anything, though of course that doesn't mean you wil...